Having a valid MOT is crucial for a car to remain legal on UK roads – but recent research has revealed that millions of drivers each year forget to renew on time, leaving them at risk of a hefty fine.
A survey, commissioned by AA Cars quizzed 21,000 people on their MOT habits and found that when extrapolated the data could mean as many as two million Brits have been late renewing their MOT by a week – while of them, one million forgot to review it for up to a month.
The MOT test is no cakewalk – over a third of cars fail their first MOT test, with dangerous faults sadly common. The AA’s data shows that most drivers with a fault classed as ‘serious’ on their cars were unaware of it before the test.
Vehicle being used without a valid MOT. Expiry was September last year #T3TacOps #checkthedate pic.twitter.com/HWo1Vh8UTo
— Lancs Road Police (@LancsRoadPolice) March 23, 2018
This means that the millions of motorists who forget to renew their MOT certificates could be driving cars with undiagnosed serious faults.
Driving a vehicle without a valid MOT puts a driver at risk of a £100 fixed penalty notice, which could rise to £1,000 if the fine goes to court.
But even having a valid MOT certificate won’t protect you from driving a shed, as being in control of a vehicle with a dangerous fault could land you a fine of up to £2,500, three points on your licence and a potential driving ban, depending on the seriousness of the incident.
Simon Benson, director of motoring services at AA Cars, said: “For drivers across the country, MOT tests should be part and parcel of car ownership – or so we’d have thought. Despite the MOT test being an annual statutory obligation for cars over the age of three, it’s the sort of thing that can easily slip through the cracks.

“It is crucial that drivers book their test in advance – they are not just a routine checkup, but a legal imperative to make sure your car is still fit to be on the road.
“You can get the MOT up to a month early and still keep the same renewal date – so there’s nothing to gain by leaving it to the last minute. Either set your own reminder or sign up to the government’s MOT reminder service – you just need your vehicle registration number, email address and mobile number at the ready.
“It is worth noting that your MOT is a snapshot of time and regular servicing is vital to keep your car in a safe condition all year round.”